
Flechtwerk: Heatless Curls with Flexi Rods

Heatless Curls with Flexi Rods- Hair Friendly!

Hello Lovelies!
Another post that is coming though you from our blogging cooperation Flechtwerk! Topic this week is structural change! I hope everyone is doing great! I have been busy preparing some tutorials for you in the past few weeks and now I have prepared a heatless curls tutorial that I wanted to do for a long time. I do have natural curls but with my hair now as long as over a meter and having no layers - they pretty much turn into waves or only last if I use a lot of product. Because we all have and want super long healthy hair - you ain't gonna use heat on your tresses. It is basically the worst thing you could do to your hair - grill it on a curling iron with 200 degrees? No need - I have a fabulous tutorial that involves minimal time and money and you can basically redo the curls everyday if you feel like it. And I repeat myself - don't ever use heat on your hair. Never ever. If you want long hair. If you are using heat - stop it. Now. :D 

Heatless Curls Tutorial - DIY

How to Heatless Curls

You will need:

  • dry hair, tangle free
  • 1-2 packs of Flexi Rods
  • water in a bowl or spray bottle
  • coconut oil 
  • If you need your curls for a special occasion - you might want to use lots of hair spray to keep them springy.
  1. Now it is absolutely crucial that you start with dry hair! If your hair is damp or wet the curls will not last. Really. Learn from my mistakes ^^ use some coconut oil on your hair to kill any frizz.
  2. Separate a small strand and dampen it with a tiny amount of water. Tiny. Tiny. Tinyyy. Now start rolling your hair up beginning at the ends. Roll it up straight just as shown in my picture above. Start at your crown and work your way down to the ends of your hair. 
  3. Once rolled up slightly bend the flexi rod - don't cross them or it will be very uncomfortable if you lay down - in case you are doing this overnight.
  4. Wait for at least 3 hours - you can go to sleep if you want. In the pictures I waited 4 hours I think.
  5. If needed spray with tons of hairspray. 
Oh and just an advice - try not doing that when your husband or boyfriend is home You do look hilarious and a bit like Peggy Bundy when your rods are all in - it will be a very sure romance killer. 

Long red curly hair ! My favourite look!

Tadaaa you are good to go :o)

Have a look at the girls versions,

What is your favourite Method of curling your hair?

3 Kommentare:

  1. Die Locken sind wirklich wunderschön geworden! Vielleicht besorge ich mir solche Dinger auch mal. *-*

  2. Schließe mich unserer Nixe an - wunderschön!!
    Der Tipp mit den trockenen Haaren kam für mich leider zu spät :D Ich habe zwar mit Taschentüchern gearbeitet, aber selbst meine Feensträhnen sind darin nicht trocken geworden. :(

  3. Papilotten zu kaufen lohnt sich wirklich. Sie sind unverwüstlich! Ich habe noch die Papilotten von meiner Mama, die sie gekauft hat als sie im Teeniealter war, sie sind also gute 40 Jahre alt. Es sind/waren nur einige wenige kaputt, sodass ich auch nur ein paar nachgekauft habe und jetzt eine wirklich große und ausreichende Anzahl habe ;-).

    Deine Locken sehen wirklich toll aus! In sooo langen Haaren wirken Papilottenlocken nochmal ganz anders als in kürzeren!

    LG Melanie


I am happy about every single comment, thanks for sharing your thoughts! Love, Zoey.


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